Ally Award
(Google account required)
This award is to highlight an individual in public safety in Alberta who has demonstrated significant support for AWIPS and for advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in public safety.
They are someone who has demonstrated a willingness to step outside their own comfort zone and support diversity and the inclusion of groups and organizations to which they are not obvious members or beneficiaries. They support diversity efforts that benefit all members of public safety and the communities they serve, and actively work to advance the issues of diverse groups.
Award criteria includes:
Leadership in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
- Acts as a role model in championing issues related to equity.
- Creates an inclusive culture by challenging inequalities, barriers, and bias. in the application of human resource management policies and practices such as recruitment, talent management, performance management, professional development, and promotion.
- Takes steps to create an environment free of incidents of bullying, harassment or discrimination against employees.
Commitment to EDI
- Demonstrates a long-time and ongoing commitment to advancing the issues of diverse employees in their workplace.
- Has actively taken steps to address the issues facing diverse employees and been an advocate for those groups most impacted by EDI issues.
- Is widely recognized for their expertise and/or commitment to EDI.
- Actively works to help others develop skills in understanding and addressing inequalities, barriers, and biases in their workplace and communities.
- Leads by example and motivates members of their team, organization, or industry to seek a greater understanding of EDI principles and issues.
- Acts as a mentor to others to help them understand the impacts of inequalities, barriers and biases on their workplace and on employees.
Eligibility Criteria
Sworn or civilian member of a public safety agency in Alberta
Nomination Process:
- Nominations must be submitted to AWIPS by before the deadline each year.
- Complete and submit the Nomination Form from the AWIPS website.
- Support material such as videos, CDs and promotional material will also be considered. Please make reference to them in the nomination form and arrangements will be made for submission.
Selection Process:
- AWIPS Board will submit the nominations received to the Selection Committee
- The Selection Committee consists of members of AWIPS
- Once a winning submission is chosen by the Selection Committee, the winning nominee(s)’ chief of police or senior executive-in-charge will be contacted, and an invitation will be sent to the winning nominee(s) with details about the award ceremony.
Scoring Rubric:
- Nominations will be scored on the rubric and a score out of a total of 20 marks will be given based upon 5 criteria.